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Be sure to scroll to the bottom of our page to find a list of weekly ongoing activities &
kids eat free nights! Check out our "Pages" to find recipes, crafts and more!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Free Stuff Friday

Yes, you can have a great weekend and not spend much money! Here's the last installment of our "Top 10 Picks of Things to Do This Weekend"!

8. FREE Movies at Cobb Libraries: Family Flicks @ East Cobb Library 11am, call location for specific movie; Movie Matinee @ Central Library showing Land Before Time at 3pm
9. Make a Buzzing Bee at Lakeshore Learning at 4287 Roswell Rd., 30068; FREE on Saturday, 11-3pm
10. Enjoy the outdoors at your favorite playground or a Cobb County park. Pack a lunch, fly a kite, kick a ball, ride your bikes! Head to Kennesaw Mountain, ride the bus to the top and it's a short hike to the "tippy top" for great views of a great city!

Have fun, wear your sunscreen, and let us know if you did any of our Top 10! We'd love to hear about your weekend!
I'll be taking the weekend off from posting on my blog but I will continue to post on FB & Twitter what I find worthwhile of your time! 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Top 10 Picks " Continued!

Today is Part 2 of "Top 10 Picks for Things to Do this Weekend"! If you missed yesterday's post, scroll down to see the 1st 3 on our list!

4. Kids Fun Skate at Sparkles Kennesaw on Saturday (4/23) 10:30-1pm: Although not age restricted, Sparkles gear this session towards children 8 and younger with kid friendly music including Disney and “bubble gum” pop. Our mascot, Sparky the Bear, makes an appearance and dances with the children $8 admission, 3.50 skate rental;
5. See the Circus! Last weekend before the circus train departs from Jim R. Miller Park; Saturday Midway opens at 10 & Sunday opens at 12,  Check the schedule of performances and the circus parade.
6. Pick Strawberries @ Harry Stacy’s Strawberry Farm in Smyna. They are closed Saturday but open at 1 on Sunday. (they will be at the Marietta Famer’s Market Saturday morning) According to their facebook page, a small basket runs about $8 and a large basket (about a gallon) will cost you $12. Stop at the ATM because it’s Cash Only! Check their Facebook page for up to date info on their farm – hours, field conditions, etc. and get strawberry picking tips before you go on their website!
7. Bring the gang to a festival: Spring Jonquil Festival on Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-5 on the Village green next to Smyrna Market Village: 200 Village Green Circle, Smyrna, 30080; FREE Admission to over 150 hand-made arts & crafts booths, puppet shows, live music, festival foods, and all types of children’s activities, & the Smyrna Library Book Sale:, Taste of Marietta - Eat your way through the Square Saturday 11-7 pm on Marietta Square,; menu items from participating restuarants:;  Sweet P’s Festival on Saturday 9am-7pm & Sunday noon-5pm; arts & crafts, entertainment, children’s activities, & food.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter & Facebook because I continually post worthy "stuff" I find throughout the day! I am on a mission to sift through all the "noise" and share the best of the best for you and your munchkins!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Plan Your Weekend Wednesday

I have been working for DAYS on finding fun stuff to do this weekend. There is so much to offer here in Cobb so to make it easy for you, each day through Friday, I'll be sharing a few of our "Top 10 Picks for Things to Do" this weekend. These first three you need to know about now because you need to start working on it yesterday :) ! (If you have little kids you might need a babysitter or you'll need to buy tickets/reserve spots)

  1. “Cheap Date” Night: Friday (4/29) night enjoy a FREE concert with your sweetie, Glover Park Concert Series featuring “Glow Band” @ 8pm; bring a picnic dinner (beer or wine OK) or grab a pizza at Marietta Pizza Company located directly on the square at 3 Whitlock Ave. Be sure to claim your spot on the lawn before it gets too crowded! You can begin staking your claim with your chairs or blankets on the square as early as 4 pm. If your kids have the privledge of a later bedtime, you could make this a family affair!
  2. Family Night at “Play: An Activity Center for Kids” Friday (4/29) 6-8pm, fun and games for the whole family: wear the kids out with playtime in the gym, make a fool of yourself in the “Chill Out Lounge” with karaoke, play ping pong, board games and more. Adults are free, $5 per child & $5 per person pizza dinner; call PLAY to reserve your spots: 770-650-0122. This place may not technically be in Cobb but my kids and I love this place and it's just a stone's throw in Roswell at 10930 Crabapple Rd., 30075;
  3. Royal Tea at the East Cobb Library: You might remember a couple weeks ago there was a ton of news about possible libraries closing?? They may be safe for now but funding is always decreasing for the library system so they have gotten creative to help raise funds. If you have a princess or 2 at home, here's how you can support your library (The next best way is to use them!) This would also be a GREAT "early" Mother's Day gift for Grandma if she lives in the tickets for her and the kids and send them packing, you get the morning off - BONUS! Calling all princesses ages 3-8 to a Royal Tea to help raise money for the Cobb Library Foundation; Tickets are $35 for 2 and $10 each additional person. Purchase tickets and learn more about this very special storytime and brunch!
Now, go get planning!

Follow me on Facebook & Twitter, so you can get real-time updates on other great activities, resources, steals & deals for moms & kids as I find them! Be sure to scroll to the bottom of my blog for "kids eat free nights" and a list of "Weekly Ongoing Activities"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Your New "To-Do" List for Tuesday

Yeah, yeah, I know you need to go to Target & the grocery store but a great storytime is good for the soul – yours and your little cutie pie. Here are my favorite storytimes if you have little ones home with you today:
  • Ms. Mary Felts’ Cosmic Possum Storytime for babies to preschoolers @ Ben Robertson Center in Kennesaw! And the best part…it’s FREE 10:30-11:30. Lots of singing and dancing! Ms. Mary is a blast and you will find yourself singing the catchy kid tunes later in the day - if you go request my favorite: The Coffee Song. If you can’t make it today, it’s every Tuesday and Friday! 2753 Watts Dr., 30144; 770-422-9714
  • Preschool Storytime with Ms. Melissa at the Kennesaw Library. I drive by 2 other library locations just because of Ms. Melissa! 10:30 & 11:30 Tuesdays. She has an awesome interactive School Age Storytime @ 3:30 on Wednesdays too and a Baby storytime Wednesday morning! for more library locations and calendars of storytimes around town.
         So scrap your to-do list, pack your lunch & take your favorite cutie to storytime.  Then head to Adams Park (2600 Park Dr.) located next door to Ben Roberston Center or a 5 minute car ride from the Kennesaw Library! There also is a cute little play area at the Depot (across the train tracks near the library). Check out "Weekly Ongoing Activities" below for more storytimes.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Just for Mom Monday!

We aren’t just ALL about kids…Today is “Just for Mom Monday”!
Did you eat too many Peeps yesterday? Apparently, there are 160 calories in 5 of those little boogers and I won't admit to how many I ate! In an article received by email after I had already devoured a whole row of Peeps, Fitness Magazine offered me "14 Ways to Burn off Easter Candy". The subject glared at me and I thought to myself:  "REALLY??!? On Easter afternoon? Can't I just eat candy ONE DAY without being reminded that it has calories?!?!" BUT I clicked on the link and discovered that I could easily be redeemed for my reckless passion for Peeps. I loved the first tip because it not only related to burning off Peeps but it is something I already do with my kids who are 5 and 6 - "Bus Stop Boot Camp"! Play hopscotch with your kids today at the bus stop or challenge your kids to a jumping jack contest while you wait for the bus. 10-15 minutes of hopping or jacks and you are guilt free - it's as if those Peeps didn't happen :) Did you indulge in a  Reese's Peanut Butter Egg? Find out what you have to do to burn that one off: 14 Ways to Burn off Easter Candy .