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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Your New "To-Do" List for Tuesday

Yeah, yeah, I know you need to go to Target & the grocery store but a great storytime is good for the soul – yours and your little cutie pie. Here are my favorite storytimes if you have little ones home with you today:
  • Ms. Mary Felts’ Cosmic Possum Storytime for babies to preschoolers @ Ben Robertson Center in Kennesaw! And the best part…it’s FREE 10:30-11:30. Lots of singing and dancing! Ms. Mary is a blast and you will find yourself singing the catchy kid tunes later in the day - if you go request my favorite: The Coffee Song. If you can’t make it today, it’s every Tuesday and Friday! 2753 Watts Dr., 30144; 770-422-9714
  • Preschool Storytime with Ms. Melissa at the Kennesaw Library. I drive by 2 other library locations just because of Ms. Melissa! 10:30 & 11:30 Tuesdays. She has an awesome interactive School Age Storytime @ 3:30 on Wednesdays too and a Baby storytime Wednesday morning! for more library locations and calendars of storytimes around town.
         So scrap your to-do list, pack your lunch & take your favorite cutie to storytime.  Then head to Adams Park (2600 Park Dr.) located next door to Ben Roberston Center or a 5 minute car ride from the Kennesaw Library! There also is a cute little play area at the Depot (across the train tracks near the library). Check out "Weekly Ongoing Activities" below for more storytimes.


ams44 said...

We are new to GA. Is this event still occurring?

CobbTotsnKids said...

The Cosmic Possum Storytime is still going on Tuesdays and Fridays but please check the Library Calendar for their up to date schedule of story times at

Anonymous said...

I went to the website you talked about and couldn't find the Tuesday & Friday storytimes?

Anonymous said...

Is this still accurate?