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Friday, September 2, 2011

Pennies for Your Piggy Bank

Even if we weren't in these economic times, Moms are all about stretching the family budget. We know how to find that dollar when we need it - even if it is for those shoes you want need. I found this great post from iMom with creative ways to make save. This weekend, pledge to try at least one of the ideas. My favorite idea..."sell it". I'll be busy this weekend decluttering! I've got the perfect place for you to get rid of your stuff too - Junk Day at the Woodstock Market & Show! Sign up to sell your stuff - garage sale items, flea market items, furniture, overstock, surplus, anything worth selling - bring it! Sign up for a booth by September 15th. Cost is $15 and you can pay over the phone, in person or by mail. What's great about Junk Day is that you don't have to spend time hanging signs all over creation only to find out they flopped over or have strangers coming to your house - you get the benefit of their marketing, you are at a central location with lots of traffic! To get the full details on Junk Day...
CLICK HERE! Happy Saving :)

Link to iMOM article: Money: 5 Great Ways to Save iMOM

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

September Family Fun

Besides cooler weather, click HERE to find out why we are happy September is around the corner!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back to School Contest!

Would you like to win a $50 gift card to the Gap? Enter to win FamilyFINDS Back to School Contest - there will be a drawing at 8am each day this week (August 29-September 2) for a different gift card each day! On Friday, 2 lucky people will win $500 Target Gift Cards - Oh, SNAP! Click HERE to enter! Good Luck...and let us know if you win!